About us

Think, do. Keep it simple and get started. Sales is often described as the higher mathematics, substantiated with all kinds of complicated models in order to make matters visible and understandable.

We believe and know that sales can be learned, but understand that sales is (simply) just a little different in every industry and organization. That "simply just a little different" is the crux that our organization sinks their teeth into.

How do you align your sales department in such a way, that your client is helped maximally with your products and services? Which communication and sales skills do you need to have in order to know what you can bring the client? How do you train professionals with a lot of expertise in sales skills so that they can offer the client more?

And yes, this involves supporting models, but we will keep it simple and measurable.

We help you to get stronger in sales, both in the processes and the skills.

Prospectory. Serious about sales.

Do you want to know more about our approach? Please do not hesitate to contact us!

Telephone number: +31 (0)6 28 40 33 79

Email info@prospectory.com

Managing Partner

Kurt Hessels

Man­ag­ing Partner

If you ask Kurt what gets him excit­ed, he says: sales sales sales’. Access­ing new cus­tomers, link­ing needs to ser­vices, build­ing up rela­tion­ships; It is all part of him. Kurt stands for do what you promise’. He makes seem­ing­ly com­pli­cat­ed mat­ters clear and obvi­ous. His strength lies in his iron dis­ci­pline. Kurt start­ed his career in the ICT indus­try, gained a wealth of expe­ri­ence, and was a suc­cess­ful fran­chisee of a rep­utable trans­la­tion agency for many years.

Think first then act. Then make sure you persevere.”

Kurt is a DISC-cer­ti­fied trainer. 

+31 (0)6 28 403 379hessels@prospectory.com

Sales & Marketing Professionals

Frits Willem Bakker

Man­ag­ing Partner

Mariëlle van der Linden

Senior trainer/​coach

Lead­er­ship, com­merce and com­mu­ni­ca­tion; those are the themes that are just right for Mar­iëlle. She loves to let man­agers, teams and indi­vid­u­als make a dif­fer­ence. She digs into their ques­tions such as where do we stand and where do we want to go from here’ and gives them guide­lines in order to achieve these goals. 

Mar­iëlle knows how to get down to the essen­tials, to pro­voke; always with a touch of humour. No-non­sense and a ded­i­cat­ed spar­ring part­ner, that is who Mar­iëlle is. She is strong in man­ag­ing group process­es, has a sharp pro­fes­sion­al view and mobi­lizes invari­ably the self-resolv­ing abil­i­ty. She has almost 30 years of expe­ri­ence in HRD to help her in doing this. 

Each one of us can make a dif­fer­ence. Togeth­er we can make a change”.

+31 (0)6 46 230 484marielle.vanderlinden@prospectory.com

Bart Huijbregts

All­round sales professional

Entre­pre­neur­ship is in Bart’s blood and sales is sec­ond nature to him. For more than twen­ty years Bart has coached and guid­ed com­pa­nies in respect of sales, both as a train­er and as a con­sul­tant. With his exten­sive knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence he is able to pro­pel teams to ever greater heights. He helps them draw accu­rate con­clu­sions from data and guides them in their advance­ment towards an effec­tive, result-ori­ent­ed approach. Bart has an eye for each sep­a­rate indi­vid­ual. He is an inno­va­tor, a con­nec­tor and utter­ly future-proof.

I’ve nev­er done this before, so yes, I can.”

+31 (0)6 53 556 560bart.huijbregts@prospectory.com

Martijn de Haas

Mar­ket­ing & com­mu­ni­ca­tions consultant

Mar­ti­jn is an ana­lyt­i­cal and cre­ative mar­ket­ing spe­cial­ist. He enjoys learn­ing the ins and outs of spe­cif­ic tar­get groups and then prompt­ing them to action. His strengths lie in the analy­sis of exist­ing cus­tomer data, and in trans­lat­ing them into new insights, bet­ter propo­si­tions and intel­li­gent strate­gies. In that regard, he brings with him a wealth of expe­ri­ence: Mar­ti­jn has worked as a B2B and B2C mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions spe­cial­ist for near­ly twen­ty years. He would wel­come the oppor­tu­ni­ty to put his knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence to work for you as well..

Your organ­i­sa­tion has access to a wealth of cus­tomer information.”

+31 (0)6 53 589 714martijn.dehaas@prospectory.com

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