“Prospectory partner in business for AOMB”
— Frank Reijnen - CEO
AOMB (Algemeen Octrooi- en Merken Bureau, General Patent and Trademark Agency) helps entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial organisations protect themselves against the dangers of copying and emulation.
Through this protection, entrepreneurs can distinguish themselves with original brands, inventions are made viable and investments in innovation remain useful. The value core of organisations is ultimately shaped by the creativity, intelligence and expertise which allow the organisation to position itself, supply its own proposition and appeal to specific markets.
The people at AOMB advise in relation to the protection of that uniqueness, that originality and creativity. They offer protection and defend intellectual property.
AOMB had been looking for the possibility of improving its sales channel for years. Several years ago, the situation was ideal; customers easily found their way to AOMB. Frank Reijnen, CEO of AOMB, foresaw that this situation would change in the future. To maintain its existence legitimacy, he went in search of means of expanding its commercial power by more extensively developing commercial advisors and making their tasks clearer.
Through an existing relation, Frank Reijnen came into contact with Prospectory. Prospectory supported the process of realising the switch from technically oriented teams to market-directed business units.
Through funnel management, based on Prospectory’s “four steps towards success”, and the usage of various training programs, Prospectory supported the transitional process.
The hands-on approach, down-to-earth attitude, and practical implementation made working together with Prospectory highly pleasant and result-oriented. With Prospectory, it really is “what you see is what you get”!
“To me, Prospectory is a partner in business”, explains Frank Reijnen. They understand the mutual problems and areas of attention. Frank Reijnen would like to add that Prospectory offers customers a good price/quality ratio.