Duijvelaar Pompen

“Pleasantly surprised by the approach offered by Prospectory!”
— Joost Olde Dubbelink – Sales Manager BeNeLux
Duijvelaar Pompen develops and manufactures stainless steel centrifugal pumps and pressure boosting systems for drinking and process water applications. Duijvelaar Pompen is the absolute market leader within the market for pressure boosting for high-rise buildings.
Within Duijvelaar Pompen, the role of a team with internal sales staff has now adopted a more commercial role, resulting in the need to increase the team’s level in telephone sales.
Prospectory, in collaboration with the management of Duijvelaar Pompen, has devised a customised solution to this. A combination of interactive workshops and action-oriented result sessions form the basis for a process whereby the participants themselves are able to do what’s necessary to succeed. It’s not what you’d call standard training, not the learning of everyday sales tricks, but the teaching of skills that are in keeping with the individual participant and the level of the discussion partner, where the aim is to achieve specific and measurable results.
Joost Olde Dubbelink finds the abilities of the trainer, who has placed high requirements on himself for the project, remarkable. An intake interview is conducted with each participant, and the training sessions themselves are conducted on site and involve plenty of interaction. According to Joost Olde Dubbelink, he’s “a nice person, honest in his approach and possesses a high level of knowledge that enables him to get everyone on side when in mixed company”. Using the approaches offered, the team is now able to lead a discussion effectively and maintain control afterwards. Currently, we can already see that the threshold has become a little lower. The process has not yet been fully completed, as there are two results sessions in the pipeline that will discuss the points that people encounter in practice, but Joost Olde Dubbelink says: “I am pleasantly surprised by the approach offered by Prospectory”.