

“Being con­cise and allow­ing peo­ple to tru­ly expe­ri­ence things results in actu­al changes in your employees!”

— Daniel Mens

Park­bee makes pri­vate park­ing loca­tions acces­si­ble for every­one. In doing so, they offer rea­son­ably priced and easy park­ing at top loca­tions for con­sumers and addi­tion­al income for the own­er of the build­ing. They do this in the Nether­lands and the UK and almost week­ly new park­ing loca­tions are added. 

Prospectory has provided a number of workshops with regard to sales techniques. "In these workshops it was particularly important that the team would start to feel and experience these specific sales techniques themselves. That certainly worked out fine due to the way of working of the Prospectory trainer. For all the employees who followed the workshops an improvement of their sales skills occurred," according to Daniel Mens.

In the workshops the trainer used specific and confronting examples, which allowed him to actually make the people feel and experience things, which definitely led to changes.
"Subsequently, we have seen a growth of 30%, if you look at the number of locations connected. This growth can not fully be linked to the Prospectory workshops, but they have certainly contributed, given the fact that the sales skills of our employees have clearly improved. The conversations with clients have become more effective. Nowadays, the employees seem a lot more convincing in their meetings with clients."

Daniel would certainly recommend Prospectory if someone were to ask him for an organization that can provide sales workshops. He would then indicate that the workshops guarantee an actual change in the participants.

Duijvelaar Pompen

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