

“At Prospec­to­ry, they’ve per­fect­ed the art of putting them­selves in the client’s shoes”

— Robert Jan ten Dijke - Business Line Manager

Sogeti is an inno­v­a­tive IT ser­vice provider that aims to be valu­able in each and every rela­tion­ship it main­tains. Sogeti assists organ­i­sa­tions in the design, real­i­sa­tion, imple­men­ta­tion, test­ing and man­age­ment of IT solu­tions that retain their val­ue. The com­pa­ny strives to add val­ue, make a dif­fer­ence and accept its social respon­si­bil­i­ty, and in doing so, to exceed the expec­ta­tions of its clients, part­ners and employ­ees. This is why they con­sis­tent­ly choose long-term and endur­ing rela­tion­ships that allow them to opti­mal­ly con­nect with the goals and results of the client.

“These days, more and more IT developments are being initiated from within the business side of things. In order to reach this target group, you need a different pitch for opening a dialogue with business stakeholders,” explains Robert Jan ten Dijke, Business Line Manager at Sogeti. Prospectory was approached for the purpose of adjusting existing propositions and expanding the sales funnel.

First, Prospectory went to work on a ‘proposition reset’ based on relevant market trends and generated sales actions for a number of existing clients by means of concrete analysis.

“It was extremely valuable for us to examine our IT technology through a different lens and step out of the IT box, so to speak. It was a real eye-opener,” according to Robert Jan. The information obtained from the data analysis is highly useful and concrete and will ensure a strong increase in sales actions.

One thing Robert Jan noticed was the way that Prospectory immersed itself in his company's subject matter. “At Prospectory, they’ve perfected the art of putting themselves in the client’s shoes!”

Rabobank Noord- en Oost-Achterhoek

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