Workshop Giving presentations (2 half days)

A lot of peo­ple think pre­sent­ing some­thing is scary, dif­fi­cult and often also a nec­es­sary evil. Pre­sent­ing some­thing in a fas­ci­nat­ing way is a pro­fes­sion in its own right. This cer­tain­ly does not only involve the con­tent, but also the way in which it is done. 


  • The preparation: how do you do that? When do you start?
  • You know how to deal with stress.
  • You know the structure in accordance with HEAD-BODY-TAIL
  • You know how to use your voice maximally in order to add variation.
  • You know how to present interactively.

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Workshop Dealing with complaints (half a day)
Workshop Conversation techniques leadership DISC (2 half days)